About | Division X Creative | UK
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3D Print Collection


Division X Creative is a collective of Makers, Engineers and Innovators.


Division X Creative specialises in 3D printing and can print in a vast range of thermoplastics and photopolymers. We print parts for various industries such as Aerospace, Automotive, Engineering, Design, Film, Events and Artists. These printed parts can be anything from industrial production jigs and production parts to models of giant products or props. Division X Creative offers a one-stop-shop for its clients, designing or scanning a model to create a usable file for printing and facilitating in printing the parts. We also finish our 3D prints to the client's specifications, being able to complete the 3D print in almost any texture and material. Using our expertise in the theatre, we use traditional scenic painting techniques and high-performance spray paint to ensure a smooth final finish. We can even finish 3D prints in real electroplated metals such as brass, nickel and chrome.


With over 100 years of experience and knowledge in manufacturing for Events, Theatre and Retail industries, Division X Creative can manufacture in metal, wood, composites and plastics, making use of our collective knowledge to deliver any project that is in front of us. We work with designers, engineers and creatives to fulfil the design brief while meeting the budget and time frame. Division X Creative also provides an expert consultancy service for manufacturing and 3D printing, offering its clients a streamlined service from design and manufacture to delivery and installation 


Division X Creative uses its 3D prints as an essential part in the production of the final creative intent, using the 3D part to create moulds for composite production and casting the objects in clear or translucence resins, silicones and jesmonite,

ensuring that Division X Creative can produce any 3D print brief in every texture or material required.


What's your next creative project?

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